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How to improve new employees onboarding with Adaptive Learning?

Emmie Catail |

Onboarding new employees is a key process to ensure their success and satisfaction within the company. It is important to provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to be up and running quickly and to make a meaningful contribution to the business. So adaptive learning can be a valuable tool to help you achieve this goal by customizing learning to the needs and interests of each employee. In this article, we will explore the importance of adaptive learning in onboarding and how to set up an effective adaptive learning program.

What is adaptive learning and how does it work?

Adaptive learning is a learning process that adapts in real time to the needs and abilities of the learner. It uses algorithms and machine learning technologies to identify the learner’s strengths and weaknesses and provide content tailored to their needs. The aim of adaptive learning is to optimize the effectiveness of learning by ensuring that the learner receives the content that best suits their needs and skills.

There are many ways of implementing adaptive learning, and at Domoscio we combine different approaches for an even more individualized learning path. Here are some examples of commonly used methods:

  1. Tests and assessments: Learners can be given tests and assessments to evaluate their knowledge and skills. These results are used to adapt the learning content according to what is already known or what needs to be learned.
  1. Real-time feedback: Learners can receive real-time feedback and advice on their progress, allowing them to self-assess and target areas where they need more help.
  1. Personalized learning modules: Learners can be grouped according to their strengths and weaknesses and offered personalized learning modules that are tailored to their specific needs.
  1. Adaptive content: Learning content can be adapted according to the learner’s responses and progress. For example, if a learner is struggling with a particular topic, they can be given additional resources to help them understand.

Adaptive learning is therefore a learning process that creates individualized learning using algorithms and machine learning technologies. It aims to maximize the effectiveness of learning by providing content tailored to the needs of each learner. This practice can be used to meet many objectives. Today, we are interested in combining adaptive learning with the onboarding process within a company.

Why is adaptive learning important when onboarding new employees?

Adaptive learning is a key approach to tailoring learning to the needs and interests of each new employee. Here are some reasons why adaptive learning should be used as part of an onboarding process:

  • Firstly, adaptive learning can make learning more effective and engaging. Indeed, it makes it possible to offer content adapted to the needs of each new person joining the company. The more content is adapted, the more interesting and motivating learning will be for employees. This can help them to better understand and retain important information, which can speed up their integration into the company.
  •  Adaptive learning can speed up the onboarding process. It allows new employees to progress at their own pace, providing them with content tailored to their needs. Thus, adaptive learning can help speed up the onboarding process and reduce the time it takes for employees to become operational. This can be particularly useful in situations where new employees have different skill and experience levels or need to focus on certain skills or knowledge first.
  • Adaptive learning can improve the productivity of new employees: By providing content tailored to the needs of each employee, adaptive learning can help new employees acquire the skills and knowledge they need to get up and running quickly and work effectively over the long term. This can improve their productivity and make their integration into the company easier.

Here is an example of the use of adaptive learning in onboarding:

Let’s say you are a technology company that has just hired two new employees, one with limited software development experience, the other with significant software development experience. You want both employees to be up and running as quickly as possible and for each of them to acquire the skills they need to succeed in their new roles. To achieve this goal, you can use an adaptive learning programme that allows each employee to progress at his or her own pace and receive content tailored to their needs and skill level. For example, the employee with limited experience in software development can receive basic lessons on the basic concepts of software development, while the employee with significant experience can receive more advanced lessons on the latest development technologies. By using adaptive learning, you can ensure that each of your new employees receives the training content that best suits them.

Adaptive learning is important in onboarding because it allows learning to be tailored to the needs and interests of each new employee, which can make learning more effective and engaging. It can also help speed up the onboarding process and improve the productivity of new employees.

How to implement an effective adaptive learning programme in the context of onboarding?

Now that we have seen why it is important to use adaptive learning to onboard new employees, you need to ask yourself how to implement this learning process in this context?

Here are the steps to follow to implement an effective adaptive learning programme as part of onboarding:

First, establish the objectives of your adaptive learning programme: Before setting up an adaptive learning programme, it is important to define the objectives of your programme and determine the skills that your new employees need to acquire. This will help you determine the content of your programme and ensure that your programme is aligned with your business needs.

Next, select an adaptive learning software or platform. To choose the platform that best suits your needs, consider the features and functionality of each tool, as well as its ease of use. At Domoscio, we specialize in adaptive learning, particularly with our Hub tool, which offers individualized learning paths for each learner. We would be delighted to present our platform in more detail. Contact us for a demonstration.

You now need to create quality adaptive content. For your adaptive learning programme to be effective, it is important to create quality content that covers the skills you want your new employees to learn. Make sure your content is clear, concise and easy to understand, and use a variety of media, such as text, images, videos and interactive exercises, to make your content more engaging. You have two options, either you have the resources in-house to create your content, or you can use external content creation providers.

All you need to do is communicate clearly to new employees how to use the adaptive learning programme. Make sure that new employees understand how to access and use your adaptive learning programme. Let them know where they can find the content and how they can get help if they need it. Then, for long-term effectiveness, consider tracking your employees’ progress and use the data collected to refine your adaptive learning programme. Use this data to refine your programme and improve the effectiveness of your learning.


In conclusion, adaptive learning can be a valuable tool to help ensure the successful onboarding of new employees. By personalizing learning to the needs and interests of each employee, adaptive learning can make learning more effective and engaging, speed up the onboarding process and improve the productivity of new employees. To implement an effective adaptive learning programme as part of onboarding, it is important to define the objectives of your programme, select an adaptive learning tool that is appropriate for your needs, create quality adaptive content and clearly communicate to new employees how to use the programme. By following these steps and collecting data on your employees’ progress, you can refine your adaptive learning programme and optimize its effectiveness.

Would you like to use adaptive learning to effectively onboard your new employees? Contact us now. Our Domoscio Hub tool can meet your needs.