The challenges faced by Renault
Renault provides its managers (and employees who aspire to become managers) with a learning module named “Primo Manager” which consists in a blended path, composed of several face-to-face sessions and digital content hosted on different learning platforms. “Primo Manager” aims to develop managers on 11 main target skills. This leads to a double challenge: personalizing each manager’s path to reduce the time spent learning and get a qualitative feedback on the quality and relevance of the different learning materials available on the existing platforms.
To meet this challenge, Renault has implemented Domoscio Hub to provide managers with a tailored learning path. The objective is to automate skills-based approaches and optimize the time spent while learning. In the first project phase, the managers’ learning history were used to identify clusters: homogeneous groups of managers with a similar learning profile. With Hub, managers evaluate their skills proficiency with a self-assessment. According to their profile, Hub designs an online learning path with recommendations of adapted learning modules to make sure that managers learn only what they need to learn.
The implementation of Domoscio Hub

Hub’s authoring tool was used to integrate the skills map which defines what managers need to acquire, the structure of the course catalog related to these skills (hosted on the different learning platforms used by Renault) and the questions to assess managers on the target skills. The content is then exported in a SCORM format to distribute it on Renault’s LMS.

When managers log in their LMS, they can launch the SCORM related to Hub. They take a self-assessment to evaluate their individual level of proficiency on the target skills. Once the assessment is done, personalized learning modules are recommended to managers: when they click on one of them, they are redirected to the right platform and start the module. When they have followed all their recommendations, they are invited to take a new assessment to evaluate their progress.
Hub addresses managers’ individual learning needs to provide them with a more engaging learning experience. Besides, Hub is integrated with the existing environment to leverage the company’s platforms and all the available learning modules.
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