Engie’s challenges
Engie France BtoC department (and more specifically the Consumer Division) is dedicated to the marketing of energy and related services to individual customers in France. One of the major challenges is to offer the best customer experience on the market, which includes improving the training process for customer advisers so that they are able to best meet the expectations and needs of consumers. Given the heterogeneous profiles of Engie’s customer advisers, it is essential to individualize their training paths to adapt to their profiles and better engage them in their skills development. The goal is also to be able to continuously assess the level of proficiency of the advisers on Engie’s business processes.
To meet this challenge, Engie has chosen to test the Domoscio Hub and Domoscio Lock solutions for three months. The aim is to offer customer advisers a tailor-made learning experience, from the acquisition of skills to their long-term learning retention.
First, Hub allows to assess the level of proficiency to each adviser on target skills. Depending on the business expectations defined by Engie, Domoscio Hub builds a learning path consisting of personalized recommendations in order to optimize the time spent by each adviser on learning.
Once the lacking skills have been acquired, Lock supports the adviser on a long-term basis to ensure that the concepts are retained and to enable their application in the field.
The implementation of Domoscio

Upstream, Domoscio’s authoring tools were used to define the skills to be mastered by the advisers, and to link each skill to assessment questions and learning materials (already existing in CrossKnowledge, Engie’s LMS). The system is then encapsulated in a SCORM activity in order to be distributed on CrossKnowledge and to offer a seamless experience for the learner.

When the adviser logs in to his LMS, they can launch the activity corresponding to his learning path. Then, they complete an adaptive assessment positioning test to be assessed on each of the target skills. If his level of proficiency is insufficient for a given skill, one or more learning materials are recommended – which they can consult on Engie’s learning platforms – to achieve their objectives. Once the training is completed, the adviser receives personalized reminders spaced in time in order to consolidate the knowledge acquired. The frequency of these reminders is adapted to the individual’s forgetting curve.

Throughout the course, managers have access to dashboards enabling them to monitor the progress of customer advisers collectively and individually, and to identify potential actions to be implemented. The reporting is used in particular to monitor the engagement of advisers with the tools and to determine the skills they have mastered and those still to be acquired.
The customers advisers of Engie France BtoC Consumer Division are the direct interface: in this sense, it is essential to guarantee their proficiency of the skills that will enable them to be effective in their job. Thanks to Domoscio Hub and Domoscio Lock, each adviser is asked to meet its own learning needs, which encourages their engagement and optimizes the time spent on learning.
After a 3 months pilot, here are the results obtained:
- A proven benefit: + 20% of target skills mastered after 3 months
- A massive engagement: 95% of advisers followed all their recommendations
- Successful learning reinforcement: 100% of employees retained the target skills 3 months after the learning session
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