“Artificial intelligence for learning remains an innovative field and the elements to take into account to implement an intelligent system are sometimes complex. The white papers we publish aims to explain how a learning system based on data analysis works, what the different use cases are and what benefits can be achieved by the players in education and L&D. We hope that you enjoy reading them and we would be happy to further discuss these topics with you.”
Louise Michel, Chief Learning Officer

Integrating Adaptive Learning
A technical approach
Adaptive learning has turned into one of the biggest trends in education and L&D (learning and development) in the past few years. While adaptive learning technologies have proven effective in providing better learning outcomes, for some peaople one question remains: how is an adaptive learning project started from scratch?

Defining Adaptive Learning
Behind the scenes
We don’t all learn in the same way. We all employ different methods of learning, revising and acquiring knowledge and skills. It may seem like a platitude, but ultimately, we all have different aptitudes and learning preferences. How to respond to these challenges?