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Fetch (GET)

Method GET
URL /review_utils/fetch_reviews
Parameters (*Required parameters)
Property Type Description
student_id (*) Integer The ID of the student you want to fetch the reviews for
uid (*) String The UID of the student you want to fetch the reviews for
pending Boolean Whether you want only the pending reviews or all the reviews scheduled (even in the future)

(*) At least one of the two parameters.

Get the response (JSON output example)

The response is basically, an array of all the knowledge node students that are scheduled to be reviewed. Each entry of this array contains :

  • the IDs and UIDs of the corresponding knowledge_node ans student
  • the next due date for the revision
  • the history for this object
api1/utils/review_utils.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/17 15:51 by maries