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At this point, your Tags are structured and set. You will want to start tagging your content.

Object resources

Property Type Description
value String The value attached to the tagging
tag_id String The tag this tagging belongs to
taggable_id Integer The taggable object ID this tagging belongs to
taggable_type String The taggable object type this tagging belongs to
created_at Timestamp The creation date of the object
updated_at Timestamp The last update date of the object

Create (POST)

Method POST
URL /taggings
Parameters (*Requiered parameters)
Property Type Description
value String The value attached to the tagging
tag_id* String The tag this tagging belongs to
taggable_id* Integer The taggable object ID this tagging belongs to
taggable_type* String The taggable object type this tagging belongs to
Send the request (JSON input example)
	tag_id: 1,
	taggable_id: 2,
	taggable_type: "KnowledgeNode",
	value: "30"
Get the response (JSON output example)
	id: 1,
	tag_id: 1,
	taggable_id: 2,
	taggable_type: "KnowledgeNode",
	value: “30”,
	created_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03,
	updated_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03

Fetch (GET)

Method GET
URL /taggings/{tagging_id}

If no tagging_id is provided it will fetch all Taggings for your instance.

Get the response (JSON output example)
	id: 1,
	tag_id: 1,
	taggable_id: 2,
	taggable_type: "KnowledgeNode",
	value: "30",
	created_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03,
	updated_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03
api1/tag_system/taggings.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/17 12:02 by maries