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To create a link between two Tags because one includes the other, you can create a Tag Edge from one to the other. As such you are creating a DAG (directed acyclic graph) of Tags. For performance purposes, when you create an Edge we will create a bunch of indirect edges to fully describe the graph.
For instance we will work with these two tags:

 Example of tags

Object resources

Property Type Description
ancestor_id Integer The target Tag of the current Edge
descendant_id Integer The source Tag of the current Edge
tag_set_id Integer The Tag Set the Tag Edge belongs to
direct Boolean If the edge is direct or indirect
instance_id Integer The instance the knowledge graph belongs to
hops Integer The number of different ways between the ancestor and descendant tags
created_at Timestamp The creation date of the object
updated_at Timestamp The last update date of the object

Create (POST)

Method POST
URL /tag_edges
Parameters (*Requiered parameters)
Property Type Description
ancestor_id* Integer The target Tag of the current Edge
descendant_id* Integer The source Tag of the current Edge
Send the request (JSON input example)
	ancestor_id: 3,
	descendant_id: 1
Get the response (JSON output example)
	id: 1,
	ancestor_id: 3,
	descendant_id: 1,
	direct : true,
	hops : 1,
	instance_id : 1,
	created_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03,
	updated_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03

Fetch (GET)

Method GET
URL /tag_edges/{tag_edge_id}

If no tag_edge_id is provided it will fetch all Tag Edges for your instance. Be aware that for each Edge you created, we also created a lot of indirect Edges to build the graph. Hence, you will have fetch your “direct” Edges but also the “indirect” Edges.

Get the response (JSON output example)

With ID provided

	id : 1,
	ancestor_id : 3,
	descendant_id : 1,
	direct : true,
	count : 1,
	instance_id : 1,
	created_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03,
	updated_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03
api1/tag_system/tag_edges.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/17 11:58 by maries