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As a new student is created on your application, you would have to declare a new student on our API as well.


Object resources

Property Sub-property Type Description
instance_id Integer The instance the student belongs to
uid String The ID of this student in your Database (must be unique)
student_group_id Integer The group this student belongs to
last_activty Timestamp Date of the last event record for that student
active Boolean Student is enabled or not on API
name String Custom data
sexe String Amongst (‘male’, ’female’, ‘undefined’)
date_of_birth Timestamp The date of birth of the student
place_of_birth String The place of birth of the student
country_of_residence String The country of residence of the student
city_of_residence String The city of residence of the student
forgetting_parameters String

Create (POST)

Method POST
URL /students
Parameters (*Requiered parameters)
Property Sub-property Type Description
uid String The ID of this student in your Database (must be unique)
student_group_id Integer The group this student belongs to
name* String Custom data
sexe String Amongst (‘male’, ’female’, ‘undefined’)
date_of_birth Timestamp The date of birth of the student
place_of_birth String The place of birth of the student
country_of_residence String The country of residence of the student
city_of_residence String The city of residence of the student
forgetting_parameters String

As a convenience we let you declare in the same time a student, his/her civil profile and his/her learning profile:

Send the request (JSON input example)
	student_group_id: 1,
	civil_profile_attributes: {
		name: "Student1",
		sexe: "male",
		place_of_birth: "FR",
		country_of_residence: "FR",
		city_of_residence: "Paris"
	learning_profile_attributes: {
		forgetting_parmeters: "[1,2,3,4]"
Get the response (JSON output example)
        "id": 29,
        "student_group_id": 1,
        "created_at": "2017-03-01T10:06:24.371Z",
        "updated_at": "2017-03-01T10:06:24.371Z",
        "instance_id": 3,
        "uid": null,
        "active": true,
        "last_activity": "2017-03-01T10:10:43.301Z",
        "civil_profile": {
            "date_of_birth": "2017-03-01T10:06:24.371Z",
            "place_of_birth": "FR",
            "name": "Student1",
            "sexe": "male",
            "country_of_residence": "FR",
            "city_of_residence": "Paris",
       	learning_profile_attributes: {
		forgetting_parmeters: "[1,2,3,4]"

Fetch (GET)

Method GET
URL /students/{student_id || uid}
Get the response (JSON output example)
	id : 2,
	student_group_id: 1,
	name: "Student1",
	sexe: "male",
	day_of_birth: 1986-09-17 09:21:03, 
	place_of_birth: "FR",
	country_of_residence: "FR",
	city_of_residence: "Paris",
	forgetting_parmeters: "[1,2,3,4]",
	instance_id : 1,
	created_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03,
	updated_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03	


Method PUT
URL /students/{student_id}
Editable parameters
Property Sub-property Type Description/expected values
student_group_id Integer The group this student belongs to
name String Custom data
sexe String Amongst (‘male’, ’female’, ‘undefined’)
date_of_birth Timestamp The date of birth of the student
place_of_birth String The place of birth of the student
country_of_residence String The country of residence of the student
city_of_residence String The city of residence of the student
forgetting_parameters String
Send the request (JSON input example)
	student_group_id: 1,
	civil_profile_attributes: {
		name: "Student with new name",
		city_of_residence: "Lyon"
Get the response (JSON output example)
        "id": 29,
        "student_group_id": 1,
        "created_at": "2017-03-01T10:06:24.371Z",
        "updated_at": "2017-03-01T10:06:24.371Z",
        "instance_id": 3,
        "uid": null,
        "active": true,
        "last_activity": "2017-03-01T10:10:43.301Z",
        "civil_profile": {
            "date_of_birth": "2017-03-01T10:06:24.371Z",
            "place_of_birth": "FR",
            "name": "Student with new name",
            "sexe": "male",
            "country_of_residence": "FR",
            "city_of_residence": "Lyon",
       	learning_profile_attributes: {
		forgetting_parmeters: "[1,2,3,4]"
api1/student/student.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/17 12:21 by maries