The content’s structure is symbolized by knowledge edges. Knowledge edges are the last objects to instantiate while setting up your content on our API. It gives you a simple way to build your learning path.
Property | Type | Description |
knowledge_graph_id | Integer | The knowledge graph the knowledge edge belongs to |
source_node_id | Integer | The source node of the knowledge edge |
destination_node_id | Integer | The destination node of the knowledge edge |
instance_id | Integer | The instance the knowledge edge belongs to |
direct | Boolean | A direct prerequisite link. If false, abstract link between source and destination nodes |
hops | Integer | Number of links between source and destination nodes |
distance | Integer | Number of nodes between source and destination nodes |
created_at | Timestamp | The creation date of the object |
updated_at | Timestamp | The last update date of the object |
Method | POST |
URL | /knowledge_edges |
Property | Type | Description |
knowledge_graph_id* | Integer | The knowledge graph the knowledge edge belongs to |
source_node_id* | Integer | The source node of the knowledge edge |
destination_node_id* | Integer | The destination node of the knowledge edge |
{ knowledge_graph_id: 1, source_node_id: 1, destination_node_id: 2 }
{ id: 1, knowledge_graph_id: 1, source_node_id: 1, destination_node_id: 2, instance_id : 1, created_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03, updated_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03 }
Method | GET |
URL | /knowledge_edges/{knowledge_edge_id} |
If no knowledge_edge_id is provided it will fetch all the Knowledge Edges for your instance.
With ID provided
{ id: 1, knowledge_graph_id: 1, source_node_id: 1, destination_node_id: 2, instance_id : 1, direct: true, hops: 1, distance: 1, created_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03, updated_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03 }
Without ID provided
[ { id: 1, knowledge_graph_id: 1, source_node_id: 1, destination_node_id: 2 }, { id: 2, knowledge_graph_id: 1, source_node_id: 1, destination_node_id: 3 } ]
You can get all related Knowledge Edges for a given Source Knowledge Node
Method | GET |
URL | /knowledge_nodes/{knowledge_node_id}/knowledge_edges |