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Format rules


All date and time values are displayed as integer numbers and represent the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT), like PHP time() function. The date/time property type in the specification is specified as “Time”, the actual JSON type is “Number”.

Case Sensitive Parameters

The field and parameter names in requests are case sensitive.

HTTP Response Code

The following HTTP codes are used by the API to respond to requests:

  • 200 : request successful
  • 201 : the object has been created
  • 204 : the object has been destroyed
  • 400 : any kind of logical error (missing parameters, invalid operation, constraint violation etc.)
  • 403 : access is forbidden (authentication or authorization failure)
  • 404 : object not found
  • 405 : HTTP method not allowed (for example if you try to update a read-only object)
  • 411 : length Required (if the request body is empty for methods that require it)
  • 422 : unprocessable entity (missing parameters, invalid operation, constraint violation etc.)
  • 500 : internal server error
alerts_engine/rules.txt · Last modified: 2017/10/10 17:26 by maries