We designed the Domoscio API in a Restful way, so that your user experience is simple and straightforward. You are able to:
Requests must be sent using content-type «application/json». The request and response body encoding is always UTF-8.
You can create a sandbox account to start working with the API. Go and visit us at http://domoscio-backend.domoscio.com
Go online and browse for http://domoscio-backend.domoscio.com.
Once you have created your new account, you have to create a new instance.
When creating a new instance you will be asked for some information. For the purpose of just using the API, you should choose the “Moodle” type and the “Demo” mode.
Once you have created a new instance of the API, you are provided with an authentication key and a client ID. You can retrieve these credentials at any moment on the “Settings” tab:
Now that you have your authentication keys, let us see how to properly authenticate your application to our API.
We provide two ways to authenticate and communicate with the service:
Get in touch with our IT service whenever you feel ready to go live. We will arrange the setup and get back to you with the details.
Once your application is authenticated, accessing to your own environment is really simple. All the urls must be constructed as follows:
A list of all the actions can be found in this document. The [API_VERSION] is currently “v1” and [HOST_URL] is “domoscio-backend.domoscio.com” for European end points.