====Getting Started==== These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. ===Prerequisites=== You need to have an access to our Restful API to use this service. \\ Refer to the [[api1:getting_started|API documentation]] for details. ===Construct URL=== {{ :viz_engine:construct_url.png?600 |Construct URL}} * The visualization engine access are the same as your API credentials. ===Integration examples=== ===Type of parameters=== Many type of paramaters can be used in a chart request, here a shortlist of them: ^ Name ^ Possible key => values ^ Description ^ | data | obligatoire : student_id=1 \\ *facultative : date_start=2018-02-11 | Here are the data used to interact with the current chart. | | stylesheet | stylesheet=website.com/assets/style.css | You can add your own stylesheet to the content of the iframe. | | chart type | chart=curves \\ chart=table | Many of visualisation charts have multiple render type to provide a clear visual distinction. | | predefined test values | test=true | Simply view a sample of the current chart. |