===Use our REST API=== We designed the Domoscio API in a Restful way, so that your user experience is simple and straightforward. You are able to: * Submit data requires an HTTP POST request * Retrieve data requires an HTTP GET request * Change data requires an HTTP PUT request Requests must be sent using content-type «application/json». The request and response body encoding is always UTF-8.\\ We use a pagination system, in case the response to your GET request is too heavy. You can ask the pagination to order the items thanks to the attributes of this object you are requesting for, defined later in this documentation, in ascending or descending order. To do this, you can send the following parameters to your request:\\ ^ Parameter name ^ Possible values ^ Description ^ | sort_by* | attribute name of the object with ascending or descending option: attribute.option; multiple values are possible | the ordering criteria can be the unique identifier on Domoscio's API database (named 'id'), the date of creation (name 'created_at'), the date of the last update (name 'updated_at')... \\ Two options : asc, id est ascending : the smallest values come first \\ desc id est descending : the biggest values come first; example: ../object?sort_by=id.asc,student_id.desc | | page | integer | Number of the page you want to view; 1 by default| * Mandatory parameters ===Create Sandbox Account=== Simply ask us to create your credentials.\\ Now that you have your authentication keys, let us see how to properly authenticate your application to our API. ===Authenticate your app=== We provide two ways to authenticate and communicate with the service: * Basic Access Authentication * LTI / OAuth. ==With Authorization header== We use a standard Basic Access Authentication. The Authorization header is constructed as follows: {{api2:authenticate_header.jpg}} ==With Access and Refresh parameters== After your first request, in the response headers you will find an AccessToken and a RefreshToken. You can resend them in the headers to authenticate. They will be updated occasionally; therefore you have to use the last ones that have been sent to you. They are constructed as follows: {{ :api2:access_and_refresh_tokens.png?400 |}} ===Create Production Account=== Get in touch with our IT service whenever you feel ready to go live. We will arrange the setup and get back to you with the details. ===How to construct URLs to access your API environment=== Once your application is authenticated, accessing to your own environment is really simple. All the urls must be constructed as follows: ''[HOST_URL]/[API_VERSION]/instances/[YOUR_INSTANCE_ID]/[ACTION]'' A list of all the actions can be found in this document. The [API_VERSION] is currently “v2” and [HOST_URL] is “http://adaptive-engine.domoscio.com”.