If you need some higher level of student’s management you can use clusters. Clusters will let you organize at high level your organization. {{ :api1:student:student_cluster_v1.png?500 | Student Cluster example }} ===Object Resources=== ^ Property ^ Type ^ Description ^ | instance_id | Integer | The instance the student cluster graph belongs to | | name | String | Custom data | | created_at | Timestamp | The creation date of the object | | updated_at | Timestamp | The last update date of the object | ===Create (POST)=== ^ Method | POST | ^ URL | /student_clusters | ==Parameters (*Required Parameters)== ^ Property ^ Type ^ Description ^ | name* | String | Custom data | ==Send the Request (JSON input example)== { name: "Financial services" } ==Get the response (JSON output example)== { id : 1, name : "Financial services", instance_id : 1, created_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03, updated_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03 } ===Fetch (GET)=== ^ Method | POST | ^ URL | /student_clusters/{student_cluster_id} | If no student_cluster_id is provided it will fetch all the student clusters for your instance. ==Get the response (JSON output example)== { id : 1, name : "Financial services", instance_id : 1, created_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03, updated_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03 } ===Edit (PUT)=== ^ Method | POST | ^ URL | /student_clusters/{student_cluster_id} | ==Editable parameters (*Required parameters)== ^ Property ^ Type ^ Description ^ | name | String | Custom data | ==Send the request (JSON input example)== { name: "No more Financial services" } ==Get the response (JSON output example)== { id: 1, name: "No more Financial services", instance_id: 1, created_at: 2014-09-17 09:21:03, updated_at: 2014-09-17 09:21:03 }