As a new student is created on your application, you would have to declare a new student on our API as well. \\ {{ :api1:student:student.png?600 | Student }} ===Object resources=== ^ Property ^ Sub-property ^ Type ^ Description ^ | instance_id || Integer | The instance the student belongs to | | uid || String | The ID of this student in your Database (must be unique) | | student_group_id || Integer | The group this student belongs to | | last_activty || Timestamp | Date of the last event record for that student | | active || Boolean | Student is enabled or not on API | | civil_profile_attributes || | | | | name | String | Custom data | | | sexe | String | Amongst (‘male’, ’female’, ‘undefined’) | | | date_of_birth | Timestamp | The date of birth of the student | | | place_of_birth | String | The place of birth of the student | | | country_of_residence | String | The country of residence of the student | | | city_of_residence | String | The city of residence of the student | | learning_profile_attributes || | | | | forgetting_parameters | String | | ===Create (POST)=== ^ Method | POST | ^ URL | /students | ==Parameters (*Requiered parameters)== ^ Property ^ Sub-property ^ Type ^ Description ^ | uid || String | The ID of this student in your Database (must be unique) | | student_group_id || Integer | The group this student belongs to | | civil_profile_attributes || | | | | name* | String | Custom data | | | sexe | String | Amongst (‘male’, ’female’, ‘undefined’) | | | date_of_birth | Timestamp | The date of birth of the student | | | place_of_birth | String | The place of birth of the student | | | country_of_residence | String | The country of residence of the student | | | city_of_residence | String | The city of residence of the student | | learning_profile_attributes || | | | | forgetting_parameters | String | | As a convenience we let you declare in the same time a student, his/her civil profile and his/her learning profile: ==Send the request (JSON input example)== { student_group_id: 1, civil_profile_attributes: { name: "Student1", sexe: "male", day_of_birth:, place_of_birth: "FR", country_of_residence: "FR", city_of_residence: "Paris" }, learning_profile_attributes: { forgetting_parmeters: "[1,2,3,4]" } } ==Get the response (JSON output example)== { "id": 29, "student_group_id": 1, "created_at": "2017-03-01T10:06:24.371Z", "updated_at": "2017-03-01T10:06:24.371Z", "instance_id": 3, "uid": null, "active": true, "last_activity": "2017-03-01T10:10:43.301Z", "civil_profile": { "date_of_birth": "2017-03-01T10:06:24.371Z", "place_of_birth": "FR", "name": "Student1", "sexe": "male", "country_of_residence": "FR", "city_of_residence": "Paris", }, learning_profile_attributes: { forgetting_parmeters: "[1,2,3,4]" } } ===Fetch (GET)=== ^ Method | GET| ^ URL | /students/{student_id %%||%% uid} | ==Get the response (JSON output example)== { id : 2, student_group_id: 1, name: "Student1", sexe: "male", day_of_birth: 1986-09-17 09:21:03, place_of_birth: "FR", country_of_residence: "FR", city_of_residence: "Paris", forgetting_parmeters: "[1,2,3,4]", instance_id : 1, created_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03, updated_at : 2014-09-17 09:21:03 } ===EDIT (PUT)=== ^ Method | PUT | ^ URL | /students/{student_id} | ==Editable parameters== ^ Property ^ Sub-property ^ Type ^ Description/expected values | | student_group_id || Integer | The group this student belongs to | | civil_profile_attributes || | | | | name | String | Custom data | | | sexe | String | Amongst (‘male’, ’female’, ‘undefined’) | | | date_of_birth | Timestamp | The date of birth of the student | | | place_of_birth | String | The place of birth of the student | | | country_of_residence | String | The country of residence of the student | | | city_of_residence | String | The city of residence of the student | | learning_profile_attributes || | | | | forgetting_parameters | String | | ==Send the request (JSON input example)== { student_group_id: 1, civil_profile_attributes: { name: "Student with new name", city_of_residence: "Lyon" } } ==Get the response (JSON output example)== { "id": 29, "student_group_id": 1, "created_at": "2017-03-01T10:06:24.371Z", "updated_at": "2017-03-01T10:06:24.371Z", "instance_id": 3, "uid": null, "active": true, "last_activity": "2017-03-01T10:10:43.301Z", "civil_profile": { "date_of_birth": "2017-03-01T10:06:24.371Z", "place_of_birth": "FR", "name": "Student with new name", "sexe": "male", "country_of_residence": "FR", "city_of_residence": "Lyon", }, learning_profile_attributes: { forgetting_parmeters: "[1,2,3,4]" } }