===Use our REST API=== We designed the Domoscio API in a Restful way, so that your user experience is simple and straightforward. You are able to: * Retrieve data requires an HTTP GET request Requests must be sent using content-type «application/json». The request and response body encoding is always UTF-8. ===Create Sandbox Account=== Simply ask us to create your credentials.\\ Now that you have your authentication keys, let us see how to properly authenticate your application to our API. ===Authenticate your app=== We provide two ways to authenticate and communicate with the service: * Basic Access Authentication is a fast way to implement our API. * ############ LTI / OAuth. ==With Authorization header== We use a standard Basic Access Authentication. The Authorization header is constructed as follows: {{api2:authenticate_header.jpg}} ==With URL parameters== You can also pass your authentication key as a token in the URL to authenticate your application: {{ :alerts_engine:alerts_engine_request_example.jpg?600 |alerts_engine_request_example}} ===How to construct URLs to access your API environment=== Once your application is authenticated, accessing to your own environment is really simple. All the urls must be constructed as follows: ''[HOST_URL]/instances/[YOUR_INSTANCE_ID]/[ACTION]'' A list of all the actions can be found in this document. The [HOST_URL] is “alerts-engine.domoscio.com”.